disease outbreak

美 [dɪˈziːz ˈaʊtbreɪk]英 [dɪˈziːz ˈaʊtbreɪk]
  • 疾病爆发
disease outbreakdisease outbreak
  1. Both of them have promoted the development of the epidemiology , but traditional single theory cannot give an exact explanation for the disease outbreak .


  2. " Foodborne disease outbreak " means the occurrence of two or more cases of a similar illness resuiting from the ingestion of a common food .


  3. Objective Explore the method of prevention and control of hospital infection and infectious disease outbreak .


  4. Disease Outbreak of the Floating Population in Guangdong Province from 1997 to 2002


  5. Epidemiologic analysis of Communicable Disease Outbreak Surveillance System in Shenzhen among 2007 and 2008


  6. The Present Status and Thought on Network-media-based Information Resources of Disease Outbreak and Surveillance


  7. Environmental degradation , frequent disease outbreak ;


  8. Loss estimation on pest and disease outbreak in Mulberry


  9. Analysis on infectious disease outbreak in Baoan direct in 2007 and Study on preventive and control strategies


  10. So far , no disease outbreak has been reported in the quake zone .


  11. The current time is a peak period of disease outbreak and the situation proves extremely grim .


  12. Disease Outbreak Intensity Index ;


  13. Pathogenesis Analysis of the Disease Outbreak Among Cultured Sturgeon Sub-yearlings


  14. In order to control those diseases , the development trends should be predicted to assess the probability of disease outbreak .


  15. Investigation on Hand , Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak in A Kindergarten in Jinshan District of Shanghai City


  16. Secondly , the hospital should be prepared for the infectious disease outbreak , including the reservation of human resources and material resources .


  17. Measures to respond to the disease outbreak including epidemiological investigation , social mobilization and infection control are being implemented in the area .


  18. Therefore , rainfall and temperature are the requirements for canker disease outbreak , while the wind is the supplementary condition .


  19. A WHO spokesman said : There is more information available out there than for any other major disease outbreak of this magnitude .


  20. Researchers must model how many people they think could be affected or killed by a disease outbreak so that countries can prepare their health systems effectively .


  21. The use of fungal biological pesticide , would trigger inevitable cross infection in silkworm , and lead to silkworm disease outbreak .


  22. The new rules respond to a globalized , 24-hour world in which a disease outbreak in one country can rapidly move around the world .


  23. Q : So when should countries report a foodborne disease outbreak to WHO in accordance with the IHR ?


  24. The Disease Outbreak form is already deployed when a field supervisor decides to add a field for the data collector to provide general notes .


  25. We now estimate that as many as150000 people are at extreme risk , if a major disease outbreak in the affected areas occurs .


  26. Direct detection and result analysis of clinical specimens from a hand , foot , and mouth disease outbreak in Fuyang City by nested reverse transcription-PCR


  27. Food safety is one key part to create safety school , and is effective to prevent the food-borne diseases and other related infectious disease outbreak and prevalence among students .


  28. National Hand , Foot and Mouth disease outbreak in order to disseminate the main hand , foot and mouth disease has not received a public health emergency report .


  29. The emergence of SARS in2003 demonstrated as no previous disease outbreak ever had how interconnected the world has become and how rapidly a new disease can spread .


  30. The impetus for Kollars 's work began about a decade ago when he was working as a disease outbreak investigator in Thailand .
